Prospecting for new customers, whether you love it or loathe it, the chances are that at some time in your career you’re going to have to do it, even if you’re not in sales.
So here are our ‘Top 10’ sales prospecting behaviours that we think will help you out:
- Persist in the face of constant rejection.
It all depends upon how you look at it. If you are rejected 20 times in a row you might consider yourself a failure, or you might think that you’re 20 rejections closer to a success. We prefer the latter.
- Plan your activity and stick to the plan.
Fail to plan; plan to fail!
- Prospect in a variety of ways.
Fish in your sales pond – source new business in a variety of ways. 1 warm lead might = 100 cold calls, but why not do both?
- Be positive at all times. (Never use the word can‘t)
If you think you can’t you’ll probably be right. However, if you think you can…
- Seek to build relationships.
Even if it doesn’t immediately earn you income.
- Endeavour to add value at all times.
Make people want to do business with you. Make them feel that by not doing business with you they’ll be missing out.
- Don’t sell.
Never. Ever. It’s always about them, never about you.
- Always get a next step.
Always. It can often take a number of interactions to even get an appointment, let alone a sale.
- Be positive and upbeat.
Yes I know this is covered in #4 above, but when you’re talking to a customer your tone of voice, attitude, positivity and friendliness is more important than the words you use. Much more important. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
And 10. Just do it!
So there are your top 10 sales prospecting behaviours. Stop making excuses (we all do) and get on with them!